
Eligibility Criteria for Indian Navy


17 to 20 Year


XII with 60% or more marks in total with Maths and Physics or at least one of these subjects (Chemistry/ Biology/ Computer Science)

Selection Process

  1. Written Exam
  2. Physical Test
  3. Medical Test
  4. Merit List
  5. Final Enrolment Medicals

Exam Pattern

  • English: (25 Question)
  • Science: (25 Question)
  • Mathematics: (25 Question)
  • General Knowledge: (25 Question)
  • Total Mark : 100
  • Exam Duration: 60 Minute
  • Negative Marks: 0.25 Marks

Syllabus for Navy


General knowledge syllabus contains memorizing data of national facts, heritage, Abbreviations and National symbols etc. Culture and Religion, Geography: Soil, Rivers, Mountains, Ports, Inland Harbours, Freedom Movement, Sports: championships/Winners/Terms/No. of Players, Defence, Wars and Neighbours, Current Affairs, Spatial, Numerical, Reasoning & Associative Ability, Sequences, Spellings Unscrambling, Coding, and Decoding, Important National Facts about India, Heritage, Arts, Dance, History, Languages, Capitals, and Currencies, National : Bird/ Animal/ Sport/ Flower/ Anthem/ Song/ Flag/ Monuments, Eminent Personalities, Common Names, Full forms, and Abbreviations, Discoveries, Diseases and Nutrition, Award, and Authors, Eminent Personalities, Civics – Constitution of India, Culture, Dance, Heritage, Religion, Freedom Movement, Important National Facts


The weightage of the topics which are asked mostly in the exam covers all the three subjects- Physics, Chemistry and basic science.


Physical-world and Measurement, kinematics, Laws of Motion, Work Energy and Power, The motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body., Electricity and its Applications, Mechanics of Solids and Fluids, Force and Gravitation, Heat and Thermodynamics, Oscillations and Waves, Current Electricity, Magnetism, Metals and Non-Metals, Sound and Wave, Electromagnetic Induction , Alternating current, Dual Nature of Matter and Radiations, Optics, Atomic Nucleus, Solid and Semiconductor Devices, Principles of Communication.


Atomic Structure, Some basic concepts of Chemistry, Chemical Bonding, States of Matter, Carbon and its Compounds, Periodic Table, Acids, Bases & Salts, Metals and Non-Metals

Basic Science

Food and Nutrition, Health Physiology, Human Diseases, Basic Computer Science


Relations and Functions, Logarithms, Complex Numbers, Quadratic Equations, Sequences and Series, Trigonometry, Introduction to Three Dimensional Geometry, Probability Function, Limits and Continuity, Differentiation, Applications of Derivatives, Cartesian System of Rectangular Coordinates, Straight Lines Family of Straight Lines, Circles, Conic Sections, Permutations and Combinations, Vectors, Exponential and Logarithmic Series, Sets and Set Theory, Statistics, Indefinite Integrals Binomial Theorem, Matrices, Determinants, Definite Integrals.

Physical Standards

The Indian Navy SSR/AA physical fitness test mentions certain physical standards in terms of weight, height, and chest for only unmarried male candidates. Under the test candidates have to complete a 1.6 km run in 7 minutes, 20 sit-ups and 10 push-ups.

Medical Standards

  • Minimum Height – 157 cms
  • Weight and Chest – Should be proportionate
  • Minimum Chest – Expansion of 5 cms
  • Visual Standards Without Glasses : Better Eye – 6/6 & Worse Eye – 6/9
  • With Glasses : Better Eye – 6/6 & Worse Eye – 6/6